Actual state of the system (Picture from the year 06/07)
The final exam´s goal is to revise the existing EMSR plant in room C 308. The idea is aimed at developing the plant for the next BBS 1 Mainz trainees as well as the professional students. These trainees and students should find a plant, which is ready for the lesson without any effort and which demonstrates control technology tasks simple and practical. Several of the outdated components should be replaced by current models. The students should get early contact to state-of-the-art technology, because this technology is also installed in their company. Attention has to be paid that the components´ communication is based on standard industry signals e. g. 4-20mA. The construction will get a new ITEM profiles rack to make the plant more mobile and flexible as well as lighter. The model should serve for simulations of temperature, flow and filling level. Therefore it will be filled with water. For protecting the building a dyke (collecting pan) will be installed in case of leakage. The programming should be effected from the external control unit in C 308. For the Open-door day and teacher´s lesson the plant will get a standard simulation program with visualization which demonstrates all functions of the model.
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